Meta Advertising | Where Did My Results Go?

25 October 2022

Many things in history will be remembered – Royal weddings, sporting victories, celebrity moments… but for those of us in the Social Advertising world, it will be the 2021 iOS update.

This iOS was like no other, it essentially gave a mobile user the ability to limit the tracking abilities of any Apple device. This reached far and wide and was part of Apple’s personal data protection policy. Now, while we believe in the right of anyone to choose when and how they’re being tracked – it forced those of us in the advertising world to consider how we collect data on audiences when using mobile devices.

Ultimately, because of the iOS update, tracking across the Meta platform saw monumental decreases - overnight. This not only negatively affected campaign results, but it affected the ability to build retargeting lists and other custom audience types. In other words, really breaking into the granular details of audiences and ensuring ads are seen by the most conversion-worthy people.

To counter this drop, Meta introduced their solution to iOS – they innovated a Conversion API to try to overcome some of these issues and strengthening the connection between your personal device, data privacy laws, and the ads platform. Meta’s promise to advertisers? It will improve the ability to track results, optimise all campaigns, increase event matching data, and overall data control.

The good news from our expert Paid Social team to date? Since the introduction of the Conversion API we have seen improvements across the board. Phew!

Results have not only improved within the ads platform however, there is also a clear difference in events being tracked via events manager.


// The Conversion API in Action!

When looking at one client who has two pixels installed on their website:

  • One using just a browser connection, i.e. the pixel only installed on their website
  • The other using both this and the Conversion API.

We have seen clear differences between the two in key events:

For any brand or business, losing nearly 17,000 page view events, half view content engagement, add to cart and purchase events… is HUGE. This demonstrates the importance of using the Conversion API to enhance your data and it will ensure you’re tracking events and allowing for proper optimisations of campaigns. Besides, with any paid advertising there needs to be some return on investment and data is the most valuable part of paid social activity.

For best results across your social advertising – and Meta Advertising specifically - we would recommend using both the pixel and Conversion API in combination. This will maximise the effectiveness of each and ensure you continue to reap the benefits of Facebook Advertising.

A word from the wise, when connecting the Conversion API, it is important to follow best practices, including deduplication of redundant events, prioritising customer information parameters, sharing the same events as pixel, and more.

If you need more expert tips or help optimising your Meta Campaigns for success, get in touch with our Paid Social team today. Working across all major Social Media platforms, they can ensure you get the latest in social knowledge and expertise. Click here! Loud Mouth Media are an award-winning Social Advertising Agency in Glasgow.