How to improve your website conversion rate

12 September 2022

Driving users to your website is easy, but getting them to stay there and convert is another story... 




Well if you don’t already know, its different objectives you may have for your target audience while they are on your website. This can range from smaller objectives such as newsletter sign ups, downloading an article or white paper or watching a product video tutorial. To larger objectives such as purchasing a product or enquiring to speak to your sales team. Different businesses will have different conversions as objectives based on their industry, our team can also advise on what would work for you. 



The next step is understanding how conversion rates are measured. Simply divide the number of conversions (desired objectives) by the total number of visitors, then multiply by 100. This will give you a percentage. 

Now it is important to note here that conversion rates can vary wildly from industry and conversion type, for example 2% might be great for one business but another may be reaching 8%. At Loud Mouth, our team of experts work across numerous fields with a wide variety of clients and have the experience to be able to help you understand your current conversion rate and what you should aim to be achieving. If you want to speak to a member of our team on this, be sure to get in touch.



Our team have provided some top tips on how to make the journey as simple as possible for your customer. Keep reading to find out more.



  • Tell website visitors what you want them to do.
  • Use language that resonates with your website visitors.
  • Ensure the CTAs are positioned naturally and where people are likely to focus attention. Make them easy to find.

Our website has a key CTA on the homepage encouraging our audience to get a free essentials audit to get a sample of our expertise.




  • Make them simple - A lot of users use Mobile, keep the options needed to a minimum and information that can auto populate if users signed in to Google/Facebook.
  • Only ask for information that you actually need - Email or Phone Number / Name is usually enough. You can make some sections optional for ease for your target audience.
  • Use Captcha to ensure leads are from genuine users, but not so difficult that it takes 3 goes to complete

The length of the form can vary from industry to industry as you may want to limit spam. Consider what is essential information whilst also considering what is the best use of your team’s resources.




  • Easy navigation is key.
  • Simple Layouts work better than fancy looking websites.
  • Have complimentary or often bought together products linked to help navigation but also increase conversions & Average Order Value (think Amazon).
  • Keep pop-ups to a minimum - Important to gather information, but persistent prompts/pop-ups (Newsletter, Chat Boxes etc) can really frustrate users.




  • Website Load times are a key attribute to having strong conversions. Mobile First Approach
  • Ensure images are correctly sized and don’t take up most of the space, don’t force users to scroll to find the products/information they need.
  • Ensure website is hosted on a good server, a fast server can help even the poorly designed websites and a slow server can make a good designed website perform badly.
  • Offer various checkout options including the latest - Google/Apple Pay. Asking your audience to input all their card details for a small impulse purchase can frustrate customers, especially when they are out and about


So now you understand the value of converting customers on your website, you may be starting to think that enlisting an expert would be a good idea... 

Get in touch with our friendly team today who would be more than happy to get you started. We're a leading PPC Agency in Belfast and Glasgow.

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